Adding new table to an existing OGG configuration
1. On source DB server:
[oracle@source_host]$ ggsci
GGSCI (hostname) 3> dblogin userid ggate, password ggate
2. Add trandata for the new table
GGSCI (hostname) 3> add trandata user1.table1
3. Add the two tables in the Extract Parameter file
GGSCI (hostname) 5> edit params capt
TABLE user1.table1;
4. Restart the Extract capt
GGSCI (hostname) 2> stop capt
GGSCI (hostname) 3> start capt
5. [oracle@source_host]$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> select to_char(current_scn) from v$database;
6. Export the table. Use of FLASHBACK_SCN.
[oracle@source_host]$ expdp system/oracle directory=dpdir dumpfile=expdp_new_tables.dmp flashback_scn=123456789 tables=user1.table1
7. Import on the target DB.
[oracle@target_host]$ impdp system/oracle directory=dpdir dumpfile=expdp_new_tables.dmp remap_schema=user1:user2
8. Edit the replicat’s parameter file:
GGSCI (hostname) 2> edit params rplct
MAP user1.table1, TARGET user2.table1 , FILTER ( @GETENV("TRANSACTION", "CSN") > 123456789);
9. Recycle the replicat.
GGSCI (hostname) 4> stop rplct
GGSCI (hostname) 5> start rplct
GGSCI (hostname) 6> info all
10. Check the replication on both systems.
Check lag on the replicat.
11. Remove the FILTER parameters from the replicat.
GGSCI (hostname) 2> edit params rplct
MAP user1.table1, TARGET user2.table1;
MAP user1.table1, TARGET user2.table1, KEYCOLS(ID); -- * if ID is your PK
12. Restart the replicat
GGSCI (hostname) 4> stop rplct
GGSCI (hostname) 5> start rplct
MOS Note: OGG How to Resync Tables / Schemas on Different SCN s in a Single Replicat (Doc ID 1339317.1)
How to add tables to an Existing GoldenGate Configuration with Transaction Integrity? (Doc ID 1607591.1)